Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Inner Child in Us..

There's a child in all of us.
And for me, watching Justin Bieber on stage brought back the teenager years, as he brought the house down last month.

And when The Lion King roared on the brand new stage at Marina Bay Sands, I know I am in touch with my inner child. What a spectacle of pure simplicity and beauty, at the same time. Makuna matata!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Seductive Spain and Portugal..

My own "Amazing Race" continues..
This time, it's the seductively beautiful Spain and Portugal!

Until one puts some quality time into Spain and Portugal, you only hear of Barcelona, Madrid and Lisbon. But the cities on the outskirts of each main city bring plenty of surprises, from the unique architecture of Salamanca, the flaming suckling pig of Segovia and the quiet charm of Zaragoza ("3653"). Toledo was another gem!

What a grand Iberian trip, indeed!
My "Amazing Race" therapy continues..