Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Top10 Stress Busters

Interestingly enough, as we talked about stress in the previous posting, an article popped up in the middle of clearing out some old documents yesterday. It is titled "Top 10 Stress Busters"..how appropriate indeed. I think you will find this listing useful, which is based on materials from IMH:

#1 : Exercise
You can walk, run, skip and do yoga or taiji but working your body is guaranteed to ease your mind. Exercise causes the brain to release endorphins, which are opium-like substances that ease pain and produce a sense of comfort and euphoria. People who exercise actually go to sleep faster, are more refreshed, have sharper memory, better reaction times and concentrate better than people who dont.

#2 : Take things step by step
Deal with changes one at a time as much as you can.

#3 : Organise your time - prioritise, and schedule for breaks
If you dont have priorities, you get bogged down trying to do everything at once. Try and rank each task in order of importance. It is the first step to feeling calmer about the many challenges that may come your way.

#4 : Break down your tasks
Tackle things step by step and give yourself enough time to complete them. This involves being realistic about the time needed to complete a project and scheduling some extra time in case things dont go according to plan.

#5 : Make your worrying count
Worry (if you have to) about things you can do something about.

#6 : Be realistic about your expectations
Know your abilities and limits. Ask for help when you need it. Accept that things do change.

#7 : Look inwards
Watch your thinking.. ask yourself if you are over-reacting. Are you looking at the facts of the situation or going with your feelings? What evidence is there to believe this thought? Is there another way of looking at this situation?

#8 : Make time for family and friends
Talk things out with them.

#9 : Wind down the day
At the end of the day, take some time to unwind. It could be having a warm bath or read a comic.

#10 : Learn to relax
Do deep breathing, muscle relaxation exercises, have a massage or visualise pleasant scenes.

Do these make sense to you? They do, to us. If you find that certain things you have been doing personally are very effective in reducing stress, please share it with us... post a short comment below, thanks!

>>gleefully ntangle

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