Thursday, May 05, 2016

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #339 - Sea Turtles, Bachas beach, Galapagos

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #339

- Sea Turtles, Bachas beach, Galapagos 

(Our final morning at Galapagos was framed by a beautiful sunrise at one end of the ship and a full moon at the other - glorious. Sea turtles nest on this Bachas beach, here on Santa Cruz island but our sightings were only of their prints on the white sand, while pelicans flew freely, with one frigate bird attacking a luscious red sallyfoot crab right in front of us. Wildlife aside, our trip included a few notable humans too, including our guide, Jessica Garcia, who made this trip special with her boundless energy, and a humanitarian Doctor Ali who took his skills to help in the recent Nepal earthquake. But one person took our breath away - a Texan man who looked like he's 75, hopping on and off the zodiac like a marine iguana, but his real age? 94! What inspiration indeed - we have over 40 years of world-travelling to look forward too - simply mind-blowing, just like the entire Galapagos experience!)

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