Wednesday, December 20, 2017

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #488 - Robert Island, Antarctica

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #488

- Robert Island, Antarctica

(Our 1st sighting of land! After almost 2 straight days of sailing the Drake Passage, we saw Robert Island in the late afternoon, one of the many islands dotting this Antarctic Peninsula region, which in itself, is already bigger than the UK. The expedition leader, Nate Small, gave us all a pleasant surprise when he announced over the intercom that we will be making our 1st onshore excursion - yeah! On the zodiacs we went, and upon landing, I just had to jump for joy - Continent #7, at last! The island was full of Gentoo penguins and elephant seals - all wild, all in their natural setting. They couldn't care less that we were there - snorting, calling out for their mates and fighting for space. It was a wonderful feeling..)




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