Thursday, April 21, 2016

"10 Years Already? Time Flies.."

A wonderfully new milestone for me happened yesterday..

Dr Ang Peng Tiam said to me in his Mt E clinic:
"10 years already? Time flies. And your results today look great, Nellie"

And with that, my fight to be cancer-free reaches its 10-year milestone!
Throughout this time, Dr Ang and his personal assistant, Nurse Ace was by my side.

Feeling so grateful right now - I hope this photo of us shows my deep gratitude for them:

Thank you so much, Dr Ang and Nurse Ace!

(Later on, after this 10-second photoshoot, it was back to the chair, for more zoom-zoom drips into my body - a part of my life that few people know about, except my closest)

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