Tuesday, January 29, 2019

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #599 - Juliet's Castle, Verona

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #599
- Juliet's Castle, Verona, Italy

(We were here once before, but only because the tour manager managed to sneak it into our itinerary by sweet-talking to his Italian bus driver - but only for a mere 2hr stop. This time, Verona was in front of us for the whole day. The city is really buzzing because of Shakespeare - being the setting of Romeo + Juliet, complete with her castle and that balcony. We soaked it all up. We thought the nearby amphitheatre, the Verona Arena built in 30AD, was a smaller cousin of Rome's Coliseum, both in size and stature. For us, the Piazza del Erbe gave us the most satisfaction - just sitting there for a delicious Italian lunch and observing the painted old buildings here, the many stalls here selling their fresh produce and watching this Italian world go by, nice) 


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