Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Back to the original "crime scene"..

Back to the original "crime scene"?..
Well, kind of. This is not CSI.
But you see, it was exactly 3 years ago that the real story of my cancer started..right here, as shown in this photo : Cameron Highlands, the place of the original "crime scene".
For it was from here that I started to feel discomforts in my abdomen, after a short New Year holiday there. Click here for the original story :
So, it was nice to "retrace" back, like a CSI detective, to this spot, exactly 3 years later. As a golfer, this has to be one of the loveliest and most serene places in this part of the world, down from the hillside of this public golf course in Tanah Rata, and with the view of the Chinese temple at the back, where I have offered prayers everytime I was there, without fail.
And being the eve of the New Year of 2009, hubby and I had a wonderful dinner at the famous "Ye Olde Smokehouse" Hotel, right beside this golf course.
Was it a dinner to remember? Yes..except that most of it was left on the road kerb, beside the hotel. Suffice to say that my tummy was not taking to RM300-type haute-cuisine well, at high altitude. A simple RM1.20 prata will do nicely for me, thank you very much..haha!