Monday, January 28, 2013

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #39 - Sapa Almonds

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #39

- Fresh Market Town Centre, Sapa, Vietnam
(Almond nuts that taste out-of-this world! Seriously delicious almonds that are roasted in butter and sold still in their husks, which means they require a hammer to break them, or a set of strong teeth. But they have to be one of the best nuts we have tasted..and in this bustling cool morning market, the almonds ooze with this yummy butter taste even more. Where do they grow these almond trees, I wonder.. we didnt see any by the mountains.. Btw, the antioxidant value in almonds is one of the highest, next to the king-of-antiox, walnuts; anti-ox has long been regarded as having cancer-prevention properties. )

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