Sunday, March 13, 2016

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #318 - Message-in-a-Bottle, Amalfi, Italy

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #318

- Message-in-a-Bottle, Amalfi, Italy
(I almost forgot - we decided to put together a message-in-a-bottle experiment to see how far and how long it will take before it gets found, if at all. The experiment venue? Amalfi itself - and why not, being such a beautiful seaside place to drop it? So, with a message printed, US$2 inside a ziplock bag for postage and a clear bottle, we threw it into the furthest point into the Amalfi sea. And guess what? It was found when we were in Naples by Paolo Mennella - a captain of a charter yacht from Amalfi itself. It gave us a barrel of laugh that the bottle was found so soon - just 1 day after we set it off in the sea! Perhaps it will be different the next time around cold glaciers of Argentina..and hot Galapagos?)

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