Wednesday, July 18, 2018

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #570 - Treehouse #4, #5 and #7, The Gibbon Experience, Laos

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #570
- Treehouse #4, #5 and #7, The Gibbon Experience, Laos

(To say that we were gobsmacked by the sheer craziness of treehouses so high up in the trees, in the middle of a thick rainforest, would be an understatement. But sure enough, this Gibbon Experience gave us exactly what they say they would in their website. We stood in Treehouse after Treehouse admiring the beauty of each one of them. Remember - all treehouses can only be reached by zipline! How cool is that? From 25m to 48m high, each one is unique. We settled into Treehouse#4, 33m high, their newest which was built in January this year, and settled in for the night. After a quick shower with the greatest jungle view on Earth, we were given a 4-course warm dinner, delivered in a zipline, of course. What a most original eco-holiday idea indeed - made possible by the ingenuity of a Frenchman back in 2004)



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