Friday, April 29, 2016

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #336 - Yellow Iguanas, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #336

- Yellow Iguanas, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

(Back to the Santa Cruz Island, we went hunting for another Galapagos-only reptile - the yellow land iguana, which can grow up to 5 feet long. Seeing it for the first time really bring back the days of the dinosaurs. Unlike their look-alikes including the komodo dragons, they are herbivores, eating only plants - see video below. An oasis on this island also attracts beautiful pink flamingos. Seeing them in the wild, and being so close to them - that's a real Galapagos feature)


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