Tuesday, December 19, 2017

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #482 - Ushuaia, Argentina

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #482

- Ushuaia, Argentina

(It is called The-End-of-World : that's Ushuaia, at the very southernmost tip of Argentina, in the Tierra del Fuego region - the Land of Fire. After the longest 42hrs of butt-numbing travel we have ever embarked on to get here, via Dubai and Buenos Aires, we arrived at this small picturesque harbour. It is home to almost all the expedition ships going to Antarctica during this peak season, which is already into its 3rd week. Flights to both Buenos Aires and here were full, which really surprised us. It was a comfortable 6C weather here - we expected it to be cooler. But excited to finally arrived for our longest expedition yet..to Antarctica!)


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