Thursday, October 01, 2015

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #263 - The Peak, Hong Kong

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #263

- The Peak, Hong Kong
(Victoria Peak, now called just The Peak, is so peaceful at 7.10am. We took the very first tram for the day up there and what we saw was the magnificent but calm Hong Kong harbour bathed in the advancing morning sunlight. When we walked around a road called Lugard Road for a new vantage point, lo and behold, we saw actor Tony Leung doing his powerwalk! It was a mere coincidence bcoz hubby was asking for directions from him and when asked "You look like an actor?", he readily agreed and was kind enough to put on a smile for a photo with me. Hubby recognised him from the Bhutan wedding photo in the traditional Bhutanese outfit with his new wife - click here: Tony, Carina in Bhutan. The rest of the day just felt a little lucky for me..)

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