Wednesday, April 04, 2018

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour #530 - Myrdalsjokull Glacier Hike, Iceland

1001 Places/Experiences to See or Savour After Remission #530

- Myrdalsjokull Glacier Hike, Iceland 

(Day 2 began with a bang! On to the Myrdalsjokull Glacier not far from our overnight hotel, for our glacier hike, Icelandic style. That means an awkward harness around the waist - which kept dropping to my thighs - and ice-pick on hand - for "instagram use only", according to our guide. Clearly, this hike is popular, as we were joined by over 15 other tourists. The hike itself was not overly strenuous, but there were some stretches with black-ice which were really slippery. Being March, the glacier has retreated somewhat, leaving it with black patches everwhere - not the pristine white glacier that we hiked in Argentina's Perito Moreno glacier 2 years ago. Still, it was a lot of fun doing it here - see video below)



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